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We are serious about privacy!

Point of View Software Inc. has gone to great lengths to ensure that your practice's health records are safe and secure in our database. Ensuring that your customers health records are encrypted and accessible only to approved personnel is a founding principle on which our software was designed.

Legal counsel has been retained so as to ensure that our methods and policies are fully compliant with all legal doctrine related to management of health records. To that end, Point of View software has retained the services of Marianthi Kakouratos, LLB, BCL, MA(Biotech Law) to provide direction and recommendations for best practices with respect to health information management.

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Me Kakouratos is a member of both the Law Society of Upper Canada and the Barreau du Québec. Along with managing her own practise, she is also a professor of law at O'Sullivan College in Montreal. She teaches in both the paralegal and medical records departments, where she has been teaching access to medical records to health management professionals since the programs inception in 2006. She is also a published author on the subject of access to medical information on the national scale (Jurisdiction and Medical Records‎, Government Liability Law Report, Volume 8, Number 3, ISSN 0822-108, May-June-July 2012;), was a speaker at the International Federation of Health Management Association (IFHIMA)17th Annual Congress in Montreal on May 13-15, 2013, Topic: The Legal Foundations of Access, Privacy and Confidentiality and a Look Ahead to the Future of Access, ‎and is currently writing a book that looks at‎ the present governance of health information management across Canada and the future thereof in consideration of technological, medical and genetic advances.

Marianthi earned her civil and common law degrees from Universite de Montréal and the University of Ottawa respectively, following which she earned a Master's Degree in Biotechnological Law and Ethics from the University of Sheffield, UK.‎ Marianthi's background and experience provides her with a unique knowledge and understanding of legal requirements for management of electronic health records, and we are proud to have her on our team.‎ ‎

For more information on Point of View's "Term of Use" and "Patient Privacy", please contact us at privacy@pointofviewsoftware.com